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Continue shoppingWould you also like to sell 100% plastic-free Bars? Or do you have another business idea? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to talk to you and look at the possibilities to make 100% plastic free and natural care accessible for everyone. You can also mail us directly at partners@thehappysoaps.com
We will respond within a few hours on working days!
100% plastic-free and natural care accessible for everyone!
With our small and enthusiastic team, we are constantly developing HappySoaps. We do this with fine natural ingredients, innovative (plastic-free) packaging and the regular release of new products. In addition, we do not use palm oil and our products are vegan and free from animal testing. We are also Beauty Angel of the Plastic Soup Foundation and the founder and supporters of #TeamPlasticfree. Will you, as an outlet, also contribute to a plastic-free world?
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