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Continue shoppingBecause our products are made from natural ingredients.
Because our products last three times longer than those in traditional packaging.
Because our products are vegan, free from plastic and palm oil, and hand-made in the Netherlands.
We – Marcel and Marco – have always been amazed by the amount of plastic that personal care products are packaged in. Whatever you buy, whether shampoo, shower gel, or conditioner, there’s always a mountain of plastic. We knew there had to be a better way. This was the starting point for us to develop an affordable and sustainable alternative to these care products. Knowing that there are five trillion pieces of plastic floating around in our beautiful seas and oceans as we speak, our products had to offer an alternative to all that plastic packaging. It was time to shake up the cosmetics aisle.
Our Bars are hand-made in our own soap factory in the Netherlands. Here, a cheerful team is always working hard to make the best care products and send them to you in an environmentally friendly way!
Only natural ingredients and not a gram of plastic! Amongst others there are natural coconut, lavender, aloe vera and oils in our Bars. All these ingredients have naturally a powerful and nurturing effect on your hair and (head) skin. Enjoy pure nature, without palm oil, SLS, SLES, (micro) plastics and more unnecessary and harmful substances.
Our Bars are suitable for normal, dry, damaged, coloured, dog-eared, curly and many more different hair types!
These products are the most popular among our regular customers.
Do you have questions about our Bars? Fair chance we can answer them for you here.
1 Why is a HappySoaps Bar better than a traditional plastic product?
2 I can't decide. Which Bar do you recommend?
3 How do I store my plastic-free product?
4 Are your products free of animal testing?
5 Why do plastic-free Bars last longer than a traditional plastic bottle?
6 Are your products biodegradable?
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