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Continue shoppingIn today's society, we have become excessive in our use of plastic. And especially disposable plastic. We pack everything in it, even a single cucumber! That's really not necessary, is it? The problem will not solve itself. Not even with new variants such as bio-plastic. The only real solution is plastic-free. We are proud to say that our products do not contain an ounce of plastic. By doing so, we help the planet (and you) with a better environment and healthier (drinking) water. We want to get rid of plastic packaging and want 100% plastic-free to become the norm. Will you join #TeamPlasticFree?
Why is plastic such a problem?
Plastic is a multi-faceted problem. The way it is made, how it is disposed of and what happens to it afterwards needs to change dramatically.
5 trillion pieces of
plastic are now floating in our beautiful seas and oceans.
Only 9%
of all plastic is recycled.
9 out of 10 fish
have or ingest microplastics according to various global studies.
40,000 pieces of
microplastics are ingested by humans every week. That's enough to make a bank card!
More than 40%
of the total plastic consumption comes from product packaging.
The plastic bottles can go! We have more than 150 products that are a great alternative to traditional, polluting products.
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